The Complete Neuroscience Electric Acupuncture System
Neuropuncture is an only complete neuroscience acupuncture that modulates patient's nervous system back into health. Neuropuncture is clinically report supported and evidenc based. clinical manual of a groundbreaking acupuncture system that incorporates neuroscience into its clinical applications for pain management, orthopaedic conditions and internal medicine to target the nervous system.
Neuropuncture can help patients with wide range symtoms including traumatic brain injury (TBI), Functional Neurological Disease (FND), mental heath (insomnia, anxiety, PTSD), Neurological degenerative disease (Parkinson's disease, ALS, Etc.) as the nervous system is involved in the entire our body.
We have been having so many amazing experiences by observing how quickly patients can improve after a single session or a few sessions of Neuropuncture depends on how complicated the conditions were. Neuropuncture is still a new approach (specially in NZ) and so many studies have been conducting mainly in the USA.
Beyond health is the only clinic can provide Neuropuncture in Auckland.